What to do
about a...

Knocked-out baby tooth

Contact us as soon as possible. Please note that baby teeth should not be replanted because of potential damage to the permanent tooth and poor prognosis of the knocked-out baby tooth.

Severe blow to the head or jaw fracture

This requires immediate medical attention. Please visit the Emergency Department at the Hospital for Sick Children as soon as possible. A severe head injury can be life-threatening. At this point, your child’s teeth are secondary until they are medically stable.

Knocked-out permanent tooth

The faster you replant the knocked-out permanent tooth, the greater the chance you have of saving the tooth.

  • Find the tooth and rinse it gently in cool water. Please do not clean the tooth with soap or scrub tooth.
  • If possible, replant the tooth in the socket immediately. Once you have placed the tooth in the socket, hold it there with a washcloth and get to our office immediately.
  • If you are unable to replant the tooth, place the tooth in cold milk or saliva and get to our office immediately.


Please contact us as soon as this occurs. In the meantime, please give your child Children’s Tylenol or Advil as needed for the tooth pain.

Dental emergency after office hours

Please contact our office by sending an e-mail or call the paediatric dental resident on-call at the Hospital for Sick Children  at 416-813-7500 if your child’s dental emergency has occurred after hours.